Thread: Curved mirrors?
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Old 08-09-2010, 04:41 AM
Andy Andy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 36
I have the same problem. I would like to create a curved-projection-plan because I have a curved Screen.
I have test the idea of splitting the MainWindow in n-number of sub-windows (30-40 are enough). I calculate new lower-/upperLeft and lower-/upperRight edges and calculate the new frustum for each subwindow all based on the radius of my cylinder or rather my curved-screen.

It looks fine but if I use vizinfo the menu is shown in each subwindow also there is a problem with reflective surface because the effect is different in each subwindow.

Is a shader solution available or can somebody helps me to create a shader which split my mainWindow in n subWindows with different projectionplans so that I get an image that is based on a approximated curved projection plan (cylinder).

Thanks, Andy
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