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Old 08-20-2006, 07:13 PM
k_iwan k_iwan is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 115
Talking Another general (curious) Questions...

Hi again,

I've been using vizard for quite sometime now, and I must say It's a great piece of software. Big plus!!! on the functionality side. I was able to use 5dt data glove and clustering with no problem at all.

Due to the nature of my position while working with vizard (3d artist - bit of scripting), I'm curious If vizard dev team would improve the program visually;
a) Real Time Bloom effect? I fake this effect within blender using Yafray, bake the texture -> import into Vizard
b) Real Time Global Illumination? This again, I bake in Blender using Yafray.
c) Real Time soft/Hard Shadows? I bake shadows in BLender by using Yafray(again), L3DT, others. I find in Vizard that light penetrates polygons and after polygons even.. I could see light in a enclosed polygon room.

Considering that Vizard actually runs on Opengl... is there a plan to give support on DirectX as well??

Is there an example how to implement CG shaders into vizard? like cg code -> vizard plugin sdk -> xxx -> xxx -> vizard?

I'm asking just out of curiosity. Thanks for your time.

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