Thread: Flock of Birds
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Old 12-19-2008, 03:10 AM
sleiN13 sleiN13 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 83
I tried the swapping function with all possible swaps for the Euler but none had the right effect. It looks very much like the axis of the tracker and vizard isn’t aligned with each other.

I tried to figure out over what axis the data in vizard moved when I moved the HMD over an imaginary axis in the real world. With the tracker pointing directly to the front of the HMD and with the tracker cord behind it a straight movement to the left changed both the X and Z position value in Vizard significantly. And with the Roll and Pitch values it was even worse with the Roll value in Vizard changing the most for Pitch and Roll movement of the HMD
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