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Old 04-03-2006, 04:57 PM
MiamiTodd MiamiTodd is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 15
To make sure that I am explaining everything I want to do I will cover the full details in case this influences the reply.

We are trying to write a general Python extension in C++ using the above code to parse and interpret the position data, as well as send it back to Python. Once we get compilable code, we run it through SWIG creating the Python Shadow class and the wrapped C++ code. We then compile it all into a .dll following all the procedures for a normal Python extension.

Then, when we run Python and create a Tracker, as above, while passing in "" as the argument, which is the local IP of the PPT, we get no errors. Then when we call, tracker.getYPos() in Python after adding in the tracker->mainloop() as the first statement in the C++ code, we get no errors and the print statements in the call back handler do not appear.

I will certainly try passing in the correct address of the PPT tomorrow when I can get back to the systems, but just wanted to make sure there wasn't any other suggestions you could offer.

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