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Old 03-25-2011, 07:54 AM
Zhi Zhi is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 49
The cluster control problem is solved. I was using the Vizard 4 Beta to test our system. I did not realize that I need to use the Vizard tool programs (i.e. the Cluster-master in the master machine, and the cluster-client in the slave machine). After I connect the two machines using these tools, I can run my script from the master machine, and it controls both machine's desktop screens. That's very cool.

However, there was one more issue came up. When the VR scene was updating (i.e. when I rotate my head), there was obvious lines move from top to bottom along the screens. It seems that the vertical blank of the displays were not synchronized with the update of the image buffers. I went to the NVIDIA control panel and set the flag of the "vertical sync" to "force on" (in the "manage 3D settings"), but it did not help. I also added "viz.vsync(viz.ON)" in my script, it did not help either. Do you have any suggestion on how to resolve this issue? Thank you.
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