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Old 06-18-2009, 05:59 PM
hosier hosier is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 31
vizinfo text alignment

I've created a help menu using vizinfo. I then have another function that changes the message of the menu so that I can present the instructions in other languages.

When the help menu first comes up, the text is aligned to the left side of the vizinfo box. When I change the text of the menu, it shifts to the right side of the box.

I'm creating my menu thus:
# Setup Help Menu
tempmessage  = "Help:\n"
tempmessage += "Select a muscle to closer examine it\n"
tempmessage += "Use the arrow keys to move the selected muscle\n"
tempmessage += "Use the right mouse button to rotate the selected muscle\n"
tempmessage += "Use + to zoom in and - to zoom out on the selected muscle\n"
tempmessage += "Press h to turn help on/off\n"
tempmessage += "Press r to reset the model\n"

HELPMESSAGE["eng"] = tempmessage

tempmessage  = "Ayuda:\n"
tempmessage += "Seleccione un m�culo m� cerca para examinarlo\n"
tempmessage += "Utilice las llaves de flecha para mover el m�culo seleccionado\n"
tempmessage += "Utilice el bot� de rat� derecho para girar el m�culo seleccionado\n"
tempmessage += "Uso + enfocar adentro y - enfocar hacia fuera en el m�culo seleccionado\n"
tempmessage += "Presione h para dar vuelta a ayuda con./desc.\n"
tempmessage += "Presione r para reajustar el modelo\n"

HELPMESSAGE["spa"] = tempmessage

helpmenu = vizinfo.add(HELPMESSAGE["eng"])
I then create a function attached to a select list:
def languageradio(name,status):
        global language
        global helpmenu
        global HELPMESSAGE

        language = name
        print "Language: " + language
There is no problem changing what the message is, it's just that the alignment shifts from the left to the right, and I'd really like to keep it aligned to the left. I've tried it with and without the helpmenu.alignment call.

If anybody has any ideas, I'd appreciate it.


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