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Old 02-03-2010, 02:52 PM
Veleno Veleno is offline
WorldViz Team Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 148
Looking into this further, I suspect that the exporter just doesn't know how to properly read the XRef material type, so can't differentiate between one with one material, and a multi sub object material.

I tried a few things with xrefs, and I found that separate objects from the same file export correctly through xrefs. So for your case, in addition to breaking out each material from one object into its own object, you would also need to separate out the materials as well so they no longer share a multi/sub-object material. There is probably a script that can do this on or

Unreleated to your particular problem, but I have also found that when attempting to use xref proxy objects, max will export the proxy instead of the xref object it represents.
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