Thread: Licence
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Old 11-13-2013, 04:11 PM
javadi javadi is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: London
Posts: 33
Hi Frank

Thanks for your detailed response. Here it is a sample code,

import viz

#viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen', '1')


[WindowWidth, WindowHeight] = viz.window.getSize()

SignSize 	=  WindowWidth * 0.0625
SignCentre 	= [WindowWidth / 2.0, WindowHeight / 2.0]
SignRadius 	=  WindowHeight / 4.0

As my model is extremely big and already pushing the computer to its extreme, I cannot keep an eye on the size of the window and readjust my measurements whenever it changes size.

Yes, the screen changes back to a 600 x 800 window after 30s when it is a Lite version. By then, I have adjusted everything and rendered the first screen.

This is a very basic query that one would expect from such applications to be able to support. For a work-around I have specified a flag at the beginning of my code to adjust the screen according to the computer. I might later change it to a more elaborated solution querying an identification ID such as MAC.

Thanks again for your suggestions.

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