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Old 02-29-2016, 04:35 PM
fivel_lab fivel_lab is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 36
Hi Jeff, this is a lab account and our team has been unable to return to this problem recently but we now have the time to explore it further.

thanks for your input. We are using Vizard 4.0 and do not have access to vizconnect. Would you mind telling us more about the speed parameter in boneSpinTo? the documentation says only that it is the speed to spin at in degrees/sec.

If we were to calculate the difference in euler angle between the bone at the last update and at the present update, and divide that by the update time, would that give us the speed? we could then scale that and use it as the speed parameter in bonespinto.

If that is a good method, would you mind giving us a few pointers on how to go about calculating it? We're not super familiar with euler geometry around here.

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