Thread: 3D world editor
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Old 04-27-2012, 03:08 AM
Ploep Ploep is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 2
3D world editor


Im creating a 3D world editor with Vizard. I want to add a model, place it and be able to replace the models. The user can navigate through the world with wasd and click a model and replace it. So far so good, but i'm experiencing some problems with the object placement.

This is the code for a model to follow the mouse-cursor:
		# draw model on mouse position
			line = viz.MainWindow.screenToWorld(viz.mouse.getPosition())
			x,y,z = line.endFromDistance(6)
			y = 0
It works but it is still hard to navigate objects in the world. Is there a better way to let models follow the mouse and put them in the 3D world?

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