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Old 10-14-2005, 02:49 AM
Eunice Eunice is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 21
Thank you for your reply, tobin.

I tried flockofbirds using the following script:
import viz


myTracker = viz.add('flockofbirds.dls') #McMaster_bike.dls') #dualflock.dls')
myObject = viz.add('ball.wrl')

def mytimer(num):
pos = myObject.get(viz.POSITION)
print 'My object is here: ', pos


It doesn't show error, but seems that it couldn't read the tracking data when I moved the sensor. Here's the output:

************************************************** *
* VIZARD 2.51c *
* *
************************************************** *

flockofbirds.dls WorldViz Flock of Birds Driver v0.1
Loading File: ball.wrl
My object is here: [0.45710232853889465, -0.45710232853889465, 0.45710232853889465]
My object is here: [0.45710232853889465, -0.45710232853889465, 0.45710232853889465]
My object is here: [0.45710232853889465, -0.45710232853889465, 0.45710232853889465]
My object is here: [0.45710232853889465, -0.45710232853889465, 0.45710232853889465]

and the LED indicator on the backpack doesn't look right. We use MotionStar Wireless sensors. Normally the LED on the backpack, which connects to sensors, shows green if it talks to the base station. But when we run the vizard script above, the LED shows red/orange blink which means waiting for the base station.

We do have a software with the Wireless pack that can show the sensors' data, and when it runs the LED on the backpack is green.

I think that flockofbirds plug-in doesn't work for MotionStar Wireless.

Any suggestions? Many thanks.
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