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Old 08-22-2023, 06:37 AM
apenngrace apenngrace is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 13
Thanks for the reply. I tried that. It seems that vizconnect calls the transport "wandmagiccarpet". So I am able to get at the node with thisTransport = vizconnect.getTransport("wandmagiccarpet").getNode ().

However, when I do something like thisTransport.setPosition(0,10,0), I see the scene translate, but it does not affect the frustums in the CAVE. What ends up happening is that because the tracker values are out of range, the floor screens do not display any of the scene. They only display the clear color on the floor screens. I am guessing that it is an edge case when the frustum has zero volume (only on the floor screens).

I am wondering how I could test for the tracker to be out of range, provide default values if it is, or otherwise use real-time tracker values if they are in range.
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