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Old 11-27-2013, 12:25 PM
maya maya is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: United Arab Emirates
Posts: 21
uh ok it's working. but, I wanted the text to appear when the avatar is for example 1 meter far from the radiation source. this is supposed to be a dangerous area and the message is there to warn the avatar that this is an affected area with radiation. so, he is not supposed to get close from it.

I am using only 1 PC, it is the server and the 2 clients at the same time.
there is a communication between server and clients:
1. server can communicate with client 1
2.server can communicate with client 2, but client 2 can't read its messages
3. client1 can communicate with client 2, but client 2 does not c the messages
4. client 1 communicate with 2, but again client2 can't c the messages

client 2 can't c messages sent by server and client 1.

mmm.. I think I will just add the text code in both clients and i want them to communicate with each other.

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