Thread: Missing letters
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Old 09-20-2016, 10:03 AM
iva iva is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 10
The driver is up to date. This is my code:

def showbuttons():
	global buttons
	global next
	global info
	global d1
	global task
	global logbutton
	global buttontick
	global lbutton
	logbutton= radios[task][d[task]][0]
	info = vizinfo.add( 'Where do you\n have to go?' )
	info.translate( [.98, .905] )
	for i in range(len(radios[task][d[task]])):
		#if radios[task][d[task]][i]!="none":
		buttons.append(info.add( viz.RADIO, task*10+d[task], radios[task][d[task]][i]))
	#next=info.add(viz.BUTTON_LABEL, "Next")
It is a bit messy out of the context unfortunately, but I don't do anything but append buttons to the vizinfo box. Also, the labels of the buttons get logged properly, so letters don't get lost in the process, it is just the rendering issue. Additionally, it works on my dev machine, just not on the lab machine... where it is important

I am using Vizard 4.09.0016.
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