Thread: Face Hits
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Old 05-18-2006, 11:49 AM
betancourtb82 betancourtb82 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 103
Ok, I did the box tactic, however now i'm not sure how to reference the boxes. When an avatar gets hit I say "if info.object in characters (the character array of avatars). How Can I do this with the boxes?

Also, I had another question regarding avatar hits. I'm having a problem that when a bullet hits the avatar, the avatar is still able to be hit, thus incrementing the hit count. I want the avatar hit count to only be incremented once for every avatar that gets hit. It is not important to know whether an avatar gets hit multiple times. I added a info.object.disable(viz.COLLISION) to disable collisions as soon as they get hit.

 info = viz.intersect(pos,futurePos)
 if info.intersected:
  if info.object in characters:
   #print "in characters"
   if info.object.tag == 0:
    soldierCount += 1
    if info.object.threatening == TRUE:
     threatCount += 1
    elif info.threatening == FALSE:
     nonthreatCount += 1
   elif info.object.tag == 1:
    maleCount += 1
    if info.object.threatening == TRUE:
     threatCount += 1
    elif info.object.threatening == FALSE:
     nonthreatCount += 1
   elif info.object.tag == 2:
    femaleCount += 1
    if info.object.threatening == TRUE:
     threatCount += 1
    elif info.object.threatening == FALSE:
     nonthreatCount += 1
   avatarsHit = avatarsHit + 1
   WaitThenFreeze = vizact.sequence( vizact.waittime(info.object.getduration(7)-.85), vizact.speed_node(0) )
   info.object.add(WaitThenFreeze) #Add the action to the avatar
   RemoveAvatarAction =,info.object)
   info.object.add(RemoveAvatarAction) #Add action to remove avatar
This solves the problem of the multiple hits, however I don't know where to enable the collision again for the next time they walk out. I have two functions that are called (RemoveAvatar and RestoreAvatar). Would I be able to put insert an enable(viz.COLLISION) anywhere in these two functions. I hope this is making sense.

def RemoveAvatar(avatar):
 global avatarCount
 avatar.visible(0) #Hide avatar
 avatar.speed(1) #Restore speed
 characters.remove(avatar) #Remove from list
 dead_list.append(avatar) #Add to dead list
 avatarCount += 1
 print 'avatar count is: ', avatarCount
def RestoreAvatar():
 global keyindex
 if len(dead_list):
  print "avatar restored"
  avatar = dead_list.pop() #Ressurrect dead avatar
  avatar.visible(1) #Make it visible
  characters.append(avatar) #Add it to avatar list

Last edited by betancourtb82; 05-18-2006 at 01:43 PM.
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