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Old 04-16-2008, 11:32 AM
wouters wouters is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Posts: 13
Intersense Eyeheight


I am using an Intersense tracker and I can't seem to get the eye height correct. I want the current height of the view to be the same as the physical height of the HMD helmet I am tracking with the Intersense tracker. When I was reading through the documentation, it sounded like I needed to use viz.eyeheight(0.0) so that it would add 0 to the height the tracker was returning. Unfortunately, instead of making the eye height match the height of the HMD, it sets the height of the HMD to be 0.0.

Here is the code that I am using to set this up:

if viz.get(viz.TRACKER):
	v = viz.add('intersense.dls')
	viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) #Hide mouse
	# Link sensor to view point and don't use eyeheight
	view = viz.MainView
	headLink = v, view , dstFlag = viz.LINK_POS_RAW)
	headLink.preTrans([0, -0.0375, 0.20]) # Offset eyepoint from tracking point 
				#on helmet by 20cm forward and 3.75 cm down
	print 'eyeheight: '
	print headLink.getPosition()
	print v.getPosition()
			# This doesn't give us the correct eye height

	tracking = 1
	tracking = 0
Any suggestions would be helpful.

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