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Old 04-18-2012, 01:31 AM
Joran Joran is offline
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Lightbulb Touch functionality


I have been working with the touch functionality and have played with viztouch. I haven't installed the latest version of Vizard yet, so I am at risk this has already been solved, but I will go for it anyway.

If you use Vizard on Windows 7 with a touch screen there is mouse emulation. The problem with mouse emulation is that when you touch the screen, no mouse down is generated. It will try to distinguish between a left click, right click or drag. In the current version of viztouch (that I use) it leaves the mouse emulation on. That means that for the first touch it uses the mouse emulation and for the dual and multi touches you will get the raw touchpoints.

It is possible to turn the mouse emulation of by using RegisterTouchWindow(hWnd, TWF_WANTPALM). If you do this, even the normal mouse_up, mouse_down and mouse_move events are enough for a single touch screen. So I would like the option to turn off the mouse emulation in viztouch. And maybe an extra mode, like MODE_SINGLETOUCH that just disables the mouse emulation.
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