Thread: Offset Problem
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:54 AM
Elittdogg Elittdogg is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 77
Offset Problem

I'm was playing around with my program and I realized that when the bird (i'm using a flock of birds) is at rest, Vizard is registering it as if it were pitching x degrees.

So I was wondering if I could just offset the pitch by "zeroing" it out at the beginning. So I set this up:

offset = 0				# redefined later

def DoSample0():
	global flock1, flock2, flock3, flock4, MainView, myMaze, offset, data1 #, CurrentLocation #, CheckHeading
	#Collect sample here
	data1 = flock1.get()
	#CurrentLocation = data1
	data2 = flock2.get()
	data3 = flock3.get()
	data4 = flock4.get()
	HEADLAT = data1[0]
	HEADVERT = data1[1]
	HEADAP = data1[2]
	HEADYAW = data1[3]
	HEADPITCH = data1[4]
	HEADROLL = data1[5]
	HIPLAT = data2[0]								
	HIPVERT = data2[1]								
	HIPAP = data2[2]								
	HIPYAW = data2[3]								
	HIPPITCH = data2[4]								
	HIPROLL = data2[5]								

	KNEELAT = data3[0]								
	KNEEVERT = data3[1]								
	KNEEAP = data3[2]								
	KNEEYAW = data3[3]								
	KNEEPITCH = data3[4]							
	KNEEROLL = data3[5]								
	ANKLELAT = data4[0]								
	ANKLEVERT = data4[1]							
	ANKLEAP = data4[2]								
	ANKLEYAW = data4[3]								
	ANKLEPITCH = data4[4]							
	ANKLEROLL = data4[5]
	head_data = str(Subnum) + '\t' + str(Trial) + '\t' + str(HEADAP) + '\t' +str(HEADLAT) + '\t' +str(HEADVERT) + '\t' +str(HEADYAW) + '\t' +str(HEADPITCH) + '\t' +str(HEADROLL) +'\n'
	hip_data = str(Subnum) + '\t' + str(Trial) + '\t' + str(HIPAP) + '\t' +str(HIPLAT) + '\t' +str(HIPVERT) + '\t' +str(HIPYAW) + '\t' +str(HIPPITCH) + '\t' +str(HIPROLL) +'\n'					
	knee_data = str(Subnum) + '\t' + str(Trial) + '\t' + str(KNEEAP) + '\t' +str(KNEELAT) + '\t' +str(KNEEVERT) + '\t' +str(KNEEYAW) + '\t' +str(KNEEPITCH) + '\t' +str(KNEEROLL) +'\n'			
	ankle_data = str(Subnum) + '\t' + str(Trial) + '\t' + str(ANKLEAP) + '\t' +str(ANKLELAT) + '\t' +str(ANKLEVERT) + '\t' +str(ANKLEYAW) + '\t' +str(ANKLEPITCH) + '\t' +str(ANKLEROLL) +'\n'	
	if myMaze.mazeType == 7:
		# No distortion for baseline
		MainView.rotate(data1[3], (data1[4] - offset) ,data1[5])
		MainView.rotate(-data1[3], -(data1[4] - offset) ,data1[5])
def onkeydown(key):	
	global pressed_S, pressed_Q, maze7, offset, data1
#	global StartTime
	if key == ' ':
		#Writeflag( )
		offset = data1[4]

However, I keep getting an error that says global variable data1 is not defined...and I'm confused because I thought I defined it and I thought I made it available where necessary. Am I missing something?

The other option is that my function to calculate the pitch is off. Any suggestions? Here is my pitch function:

	def findPitch(self, ptFrom=[0,0,0], ptTo=[0,0,0]):
		lenHypot 	= vizmat.Distance(ptFrom, ptTo)#, dimensions=3)	#
		lenRise		= ptFrom[1] - ptTo[1]			#
		if (lenRise == 0):
			return (0) # pitch = zero if two points are at equal height
		pitch = math.asin(float(abs(lenRise)) / float(lenHypot) )	# Determine magnitude of pitch
		pitch *= [-1, 1][(lenRise <= 0)]	# Determine sign of pitch
		return ((pitch/math.pi) * 180)
		#print lenHypot
		#print lenRise
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