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Old 01-21-2009, 11:22 AM
michaelrepucci michaelrepucci is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 53
Active stereo is enabled via quad-buffering, by setting the configuration option in the vizcore.cfg file. (We're using an NVidia Quadro FX 3700.) The refresh rate and Vizard frame rate are both 120 Hz. (Though to be more specific, the Vizard frame rate reads as 120 Hz if stereo is disabled, but 60 Hz if quad-buffered stereo is enabled. I figured this was indicating the per eye frame rate, but perhaps Vizard simply can't render the scene fast enough? Given how few objects are in the scene, and the speed of our computer, that would be surprising to me.)

BTW, mostly the stereo "works", by which I mean that for, say, a gaming purpose stuff looks good enough and 3D is clear. But at the fine level of detail we need, the perceptual problem resulting from the incorrectly updated frames becomes apparent.
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