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Old 04-02-2008, 04:39 AM
dan12345 dan12345 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 58
Why is it not simple to perform the links?

i'm a bit confounded :
The ppt is able to differentiate between different ppt devices
, after the initial recognition - this is obvious from the fact that watching
the ppt tracking program, each led gets it's own different color, and these
colors stay with the correct ppt device ( for the sake of the argument
let's assume that the ppt's don't get confused between each other or occluded ).

So what prevents us from implementing something which initially finds out
which device is the led/hand/head, according to the initial height of the
device? Assuming that there is no swapping or occlusion, am i wrong
to think that this would work correctly and consistently throughout
the tracking session?

And since assuming that occlusions and swapppings might occur, that's why
we wanted to provide some sort of callback (keyboard), that would perform
the height test again, and reorganize the links between the ppts and the different body parts.... i am abit confused about the different link objects
in vizard and their functions, and that's why i wasn't really able to implement this myself... ( assuming it's possible )

If this is not possible, i would be happy for an explanation where i'm wrong in my thought process, as i guess i'm missing something.....

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