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Old 04-05-2016, 01:57 PM
JB_HP_Viz JB_HP_Viz is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 31
Loading Performer Binary model

In the documentation it mentions the Performer binary (pfb) format in the Vizard 5 - Introduction - Core Features multiple times:

So I assume that means it is supported. But when I tried to load a pfb model in Inspector, it displays a Warning "Could not find plugin to read objects from file"

I checked the WorldViz->Vizard5->bin->osgPlugins-3.1.4 and I could not find the osgdb_pfb.dll

Checking to see if there is a missing file and if Vizard Inspector still supports loading pfb files? If not is there a way to load or convert a pfb file?

thank you

John Brabbs
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