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Old 11-14-2003, 08:40 AM
kim_swinth kim_swinth is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 18
another question

Hi Farshid,

One other thing....

Is there anything that shows all the setExpression commands? In your last reply, you indicated to use the avatar.setExpression(601, 0.8). Is there anything that shows the different setExpression commands that can be used? I only know about the Expression list in the documentation, but given that we do a lot with social interaction, the expressions are something we'll be using a lot. So it would be really helpful to know the different functionality for controlling expressions (like the numbers for the different expression and changable expressions -- like being able to only smile at 80%). That command alone will be really helpful in the current study I'm designing. But it would be great to know about the other commands too.


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