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Old 01-11-2011, 04:09 AM
turgutm turgutm is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 15
P.S. I'm following ""

But i cant understand what they mean in these lines:

Before we export our model, we need to make our textures according to what Cal3D likes. Each material on your character MUST have a slot in the material editor, and these materials must be named properly with a number or Tag starting with 0. Example:

Pants [0]
Shirt [1]
Face [2]
Arms [3]
Shoes [4]

After everything is exported, create a .cfg file that contains all the information about the files that make up your character. This can be created using any text editor. When writing the list of included materials, it MUST be done so that the material tagged with [0] appears FIRST in the list, with the second being [1], etc. I've found it's easier just to name my exported materials with tags as well, so I know in what order to place them.
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