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Old 06-19-2009, 03:28 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
WorldViz Team Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 2,849
This looks like a bug, it will be fixed in the next release.

As a workaround, you can set the main text of the info box blank and add an additional text message which should preserve left alignment. Here is some sample code:
import viz
import vizinfo

M1 = """Help:
Select a muscle to closer examine it
Use the arrow keys to move the selected muscle
Use the right mouse button to rotate the selected muscle
Use + to zoom in and - to zoom out on the selected muscle
Press h to turn help on/off
Press r to reset the model"""

M2 = """Ayuda:
Seleccione un m?culo m? cerca para examinarlo
Utilice las llaves de flecha para mover el m?culo seleccionado
Utilice el bot? de rat? derecho para girar el m?culo seleccionado
Uso + enfocar adentro y - enfocar hacia fuera en el m?culo seleccionado
Presione h para dar vuelta a ayuda con./desc.
Presione r para reajustar el modelo"""

helpmenu = vizinfo.add('')
helptxt = helpmenu.add(viz.TEXT3D,M1)

def setHelpText(txt):
vizact.onkeydown(' ',setHelpText,M2)
FYI, you can use triple quoted strings to construct multi-line messages. This way you don't need to manually insert newline characters.
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