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Old 11-23-2006, 05:34 PM
k_iwan k_iwan is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 115


A little note about the Light properties in Vizard;
Greetings from Australia. I found out that the documentation is not complete yet. I'm guessing that the light implementation hasn't been developed fully in Vizard (still in development).

according to Vizard documentation we use;
mylight.position(0, 1, 0)
for spot light and directional light

but, according to openGL docs, we need to use;
mylight.position(0, 1, 0, 0) #for directional light
mylight.position(0, 1, 0, 1) #for point light

Try to use these settings to set up directional/point light in your scene. You might get different result. Also try to use different ambient color for the object. for an example, if the sky color is blue and yellowish directional light, set the ambient color with a lighter hue of blue.

Tesselating objects;
(A) Static Objects
This is fine, however, in Real time application we always aim for low polygon models. We can make a cube that has 6 polygons or 1 thousands polygon.
e.g. 10 cubes of 1000 polys = 10000 polygon, depending on your hardware capabilities this should be OK. But surely we have backgrounds and other props to consider as well. More polygons leads to slower framerate.

(B) Armature/Bone/Animated Character objects
I don't usually tesellate a character after being animated. The reason because the vertex weight assignment to the bones might have different value or completly gone. By doing this, I would have to re adjust the vertices weight accordint to it's bone assignment (basically close to re-weight-painting the entire character so that it would deform properly). This can be done in rather easily in Blender, XSI or 3ds max.

Some ideas to get better lighting with low poly 3d models
(A) Try to implement per-pixel light by using shader language.
(B) Set up the scene with good lights rig, bake light onto texture. This can be done in Blender, XSI, 3dsmax, Maya, lightwave, etc.
(C) Bake light+RayTrace+Global illumination+Radiosity by using Giles...
(D) Implement a Real-Time Global Illumination Radiosity Ray Tracing system in Vizard () This option may not be happening at this stage but things are looking good in realtime-visual development. References;,

At this stage to create a believeable environment, I would bake lights information onto textures by using (B) or (C) options above. In some cases setting up light and colors properly in vizard would give good result too.
I have created a demo of a scene where the lights are baked onto the texture. I'm currently at work but when I get home I will immediately post in this forum.
Have a great day.

Kind Regards,
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