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Old 07-03-2016, 06:03 AM
dcnieho dcnieho is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 59
Different projection matrix per viewpoint

Dear Jeff,

I have implemented a solution where i can change the viewpoint with a toggle button, so i can see a topview instead of a view through the "virtual eyes". In very brief:
BirdEyeView   = viz.addView()
BirdEyeView.setPosition([0, 50, 0])	# move camera up
BirdEyeView.lookAt([0,0,0], 0)
I would however like to view the scene in topview with an orthographic projection matrix instead of the usual stereo perspective setup (this is in the Vive HMD). How would i go about setting the orthographic projection? It seems projection is set for a window, not a view.

In that case, is there a way to backup the stereo projection setup and later restore it? I see you can get the projection matrix, but which one should i get, left eye, right eye, both eyes, all? the <window>.setProjectionMatrix documentation suggests if specifying a matrix for both eyes, it is automatically adjusted for the individual eyes... (NB: i see that the steamVR module has an apply method to set the projection matrix, but i am searching for a general solution, that would e.g. also work when developing on the desktop with a single non-stereo window.)

Thanks and all the best,
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