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Old 08-10-2006, 09:35 AM
Gladsomebeast Gladsomebeast is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Isla Vizta, CA
Posts: 397
I like the workflow of your second alternative, defining the positions of the control points in the modeling software. You could create a naming convention for the child objects in Blender, get their positions with the <VizNode>.getChild() fucntion in a loop and automaticly generate the paths.

CONTROLPOINT_PREFEX = 'control_point'

controlPointList = []
def generateControlPoints():
	for cpNumber in range( CP_COUNT ):
		pointNode = bigMap.getChild( CONTROLPOINT_PREFEX + str( cpNumber ) )
		if pointNode != None:
			cp = viz.addControlPoint()
			cp.translate( pointNode.getPosition() )
			cp.rotatequat( pointNode.getQuat() )
			controlPointList.append( cp )
			print 'Missing control point node: ' + CONTROLPOINT_PREFEX + str( cpNumber )

Does anyone else have a solution to this common task?
Paul Elliott
WorldViz LLC
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