Thread: Vertex array
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Old 07-19-2018, 04:42 AM
simrus simrus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 8
Vertex array

I generate a minimum of 10,000 lightpoints on every frame (different positions each time). Using numpy I've vectorised every step of my program to get as much speed as possible, but I'm left with this

# now add points to vertex list
for i in range(0, NPTS):
viz.vertex(pt[i,0], pt [i,1], pt[i,2])

which really needs replacing with a single pass of a vertex array.

I see that someone posted previously about this same problem of loops and vertex arrays

The underlying OpenGL / OpenSceneGraph has the functionality to pass vertex arrays so is there any (simple) way to expose that functionality in Vizard?

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