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Old 03-24-2009, 12:08 PM
dtidrow dtidrow is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by Gladsomebeast View Post
Hmm... Not sure if this is the problem, but the traceback seems to be pointing to a line ( window4.setPosition(0,5) ) that is not in your posted code. Have you tried wrapping that line in viz.cluster.pushMask(viz.CLIENT1) and viz.cluster.popMask()?

Me thinks you are getting this error on the master because you did not create a window4 there due to your pushMask commands. Seems the Python variable is valid on the master, but the window does not exist in the engine, and, aka param1, is probably None/NULL.
I was trying out a couple of different ways of setting up the windows, and they were all failing with errors similar to what I posted. I want windows 1 and 2 created on the master (for two of the CAVE walls) and windows 3 & 4 created only on client1. Is there perhaps some other way to set things up so that the master is aware of them but they only get rendered on the client?

Also I've seen some references to a 'vizcore.cfg' file, should I add this file and include a line like this:
viz.cluster.master.clients = ['master', 'client']

Or is this taken care of by the Vizard Cluster Master and Client apps?

The docs I've seen so far aren't especially clear on how to open multiple windows on the client machines, if somebody could paste a link to docs that explain it better I'd appreciate it.
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