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Old 05-06-2009, 11:28 PM
Chrissy2009 Chrissy2009 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 33
Hey Moh200jo,

thanks for your answer, but I don't think this is my problem.

Look at the demo

You can shoot balls against the boxes. The MIN_POWER is 1 and for example the MAX_POWER is 80. This works all right. But if you change the MAX_POWER to 8000 you can see, that it will be possible to shoot the ball against the boxes, but they never collide. The ball ist too fast and will fly through the wall, without colliding.

The has the same problem: If you change the BALL_SPEED from 5 to 500 and shoot a ball, you can see that the ball never collide with the ducks.

And exactly this is my problem. If I shoot the first ball too fast against the other balls, they collide and fly across the room. And because of their speed, they never collide with the walls.

Hope anybody can help me....
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