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Old 06-03-2009, 07:34 AM
sl0bz sl0bz is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 6
vizinfo show/hide/toggle

I have a gamepad controller. Right now, all I am trying to do is program one button on the controller that will show the info bar when the button is pressed and program a different button on the controller to hide the info bar when the button is pressed. I am able to get the info bar to show with a button press, but the vizinfo.visible(0) command will not hide the bar.

The ultimate goal is to program a single button where the info bar will only show up when the button is being held down and disappears when the button is released.

We have tried a bunch of different variations of the code, but have been unsuccessful.

Any help would be nice. Thanks in advance

Here is a cut of my code:
def InfoBar(e):
#Get the state of the buttons on joystick
state = joy.getButtonState()

#ADD Info Bar
info = vizinfo.add('Sample Text')
info.title('DEMO CONTROLS')
if state & vizjoy.BUTTON9:
if state & vizjoy.BUTTON10:
viz.callback(vizjoy.BUTTONDOWN_EVENT, InfoBar)
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