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Old 01-23-2009, 05:04 AM
omidbrb omidbrb is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 27
About intersect function

Hi Everyone,

I have a question about the intersect function. I have an InfiniteTerrain object and since it's not flat, I want to find the y coordinate of a point at the InfiniteTerrain. I do the following and I always get 0:

x = SOME_X
z = SOME_Z
hillLevel = 6
terrain = viz.add('InfiniteTerrain.dlc',1,'456',hillLevel,6,15000,0.0005)
intersection = terrain.intersect([x,100,z],[x,-100,z], True, viz.ABS_GLOBAL)
for p in intersection:
    print p.point
and the result is:

[SOME_X, 0.0, SOME_Z]

But I think it shouldn't be 0.0. Am I missing something?

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