Thread: please help
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Old 02-27-2008, 11:52 AM
masaki masaki is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 63
please help

so we're getting pretty desperate with two glitches we're getting with animation paths...and the complete lack of responses... so here is a brief summary of our 2 main issues. if anyone has ANY ideas please let me know. thanks.

1. when using animation path with bezier mode and autorotate(ON) with the path linked to
the main view, at the onset of the animation, the orientation suddenly spikes for a
fraction of a second. this issue goes away if you turn autorotate(OFF) and manually
assign each control point rotation.

2. at the end of the animation path, the main view get's reset to origin (0,0,0) and also
the orientation is reset to (0,0,0). this issue is completely inconsistent and seems to
behave randomly and also differently across computers (i.e. on some computers the error
rarely or never happens and on others frequently). Also this problem seems to only happen
when the number of control points is high (~100+).
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