I would definitely need your expertise in this matter, since you solved the shader problem within a couple of minutes while it would probably take me 2 months alone on it.
Fog shader would be great, what about fractal animated layered fogs? would this be too much asking for next release???
...perhaps something like;
fog1 = viz.add(viz.fogshader, 'someFractalImage.png') #finite fog shader
fog1.size(10,1,10) #fog plane 100 unit square
fog1.transform(0,2,0) #putting the fog plane 2 unit up
fog1.animate(1,0,0, 4) #animating the fog 4 unit/sec in x direction
fog1.amplitude(1.5) # strength of someFractalImageImage.png
fog1.color(0.92, 0.92, 0.98) #blue-ish color
hmmm... somehow this ideas might go futher to fractal animated cloud plane
I wish you guys all the best in improving vizard.
*edited* for incorrect grammar :P