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Old 08-03-2016, 01:10 PM
Ryan Choi Ryan Choi is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 2
Exclamation UDP connection error

I am trying to integrate a motion capture system into Vizard. The capture software broadcasts its data through a UDP port(7001 by default); however, Vizard produces this error when the script runs :

ERROR: VizReceive::init() failed to bind socket to local port (UNKNOWN)

I used the command prompt to make sure the port was being accessed by the capture software and it was. Also, I ran the program on another computer to check if the error was system based, which it wasn't. Maybe using TCP would help, but I couldn't find sufficient documentation on that.

Here's the section of the script where the error probably originates from:

import viz
import vizact
from Euler2Quat import *

class PerceptionNeuron:
def __init__(self):
self.avatar = None
self.mode = None
self.sample_frame = list(range(180))
self.oculus_tracker = None
self.offsetPos = [0,0,0]
self.offsetEuler = [0,0,0]
def connectUDP(self):
myNetwork = viz.addNetwork('')
def connectAvatar(self,avatar):
self.avatar = avatar
def connectOculus(self,oculus_tracker):
self.oculus_tracker = oculus_tracker
def setMode(self,mode):
self.mode = mode.lower()
def setOffset(self,offset):
self.offsetPos = offset[0:3]
self.offsetEuler = offset[3:6]
def onNetwork(self,e):
if isinstance(e,viz.RawNetworkEvent):
print e.raw_data
ord_data = list(range(len(e.raw_data)))
chr_data = list(range(len(e.raw_data)))
space_index = []
for i in range(0,len(e.raw_data)-1):
ord_data[i] = ord(e.raw_data[i])
chr_data[i] = chr(ord_data[i])
if ord_data[i]==32:
if ("".join(chr_data[0:8])!='0 Char00'):
raise ValueError('wrong header')
sample_frame = list(range(180))
for i in range(0,179):
sample_frame[i] = float("".join(chr_data[space_index[i+1]+1:space_index[i+2]]))
self.sample_frame = sample_frame
def startCallback(self):
def connectViewpoint(self,view=viz.MainView):
headLink ='Bip01 Head'),view)
vizact.onupdate(viz.PRIORITY_PLUGINS+2,headLink.up date)
if self.mode.find('oculus')!=-1 and self.mode.find('ppt')!=-1:
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