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Old 08-24-2011, 03:45 PM
Sakiot Sakiot is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2
A door question... left button mouse

Hello people, I am new in this program and the teacher gave us some homework... itīs kinda embarrasing because it may be something noob but I tried what my logic gave me in other programs... Here we go

The problem is that I have a door and I need to open it with the left button of the mouse; and then when the door is open use again the left button of the mouse to close it...

I already get how to open the door but I have problems with the closing...

This is my code for the action of opening and closing the door and also the code for the left button of the mouse (Sorry, its in spanish XD)

def clickIzquierdo(): #This def is to assign the action of the Left Button
objeto = viz.pick()
if objeto == puerta:

vizact.onmousedown(viz.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT,clickIzqui erdo)

def abrePuerta(): #This def is to open the door
puerta.runAction(vizact.spinTo(euler = [-90,0,0], speed = 10.0))


def cierraPuerta(): #This def is to close the door
puerta.runAction(vizact.spinTo(euler = [0,0,0], speed = 10.0))


By the words of my teacher is that I have to assign the def "cierraPuerta" in the def "clickIzquierdo"... but I dont know how to establish when the door is open and when is closed...The door always open but never closes it
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