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turinlife 07-11-2021 10:24 PM

Create Two sequential tasks for images in Vizard
I'm new in Vizard. I'm trying to create a simple code to perform two tasks sequentially for a specific time set:

A black image for 0.8 seconds
A sequence of images (from a folder) taken randomly, for 1.5 seconds. I can perform these task separately, but I can't merge together. Suggestions are very appreciated, thank you


import viz
import vizact
import vizinfo
import random



FRAME_RATE  = 0.667      # in Hertz

r = list(range(7))
movieImages = viz.cycle( [ viz.addTexture('sequence_IMG/img%d.jpg' % i) for i in r ] )
screen = viz.addTexQuad()
screen.setPosition([0, 1.82, 1.5])
screen.setScale([4.0/3, 1, 1])

def executeExperiment():
    for trialNumber in range(3):
        yield Dark() #wait for doTrial to finish
        yield vizact.ontimer(1.0/FRAME_RATE, NextMovieFrame)
        print('Trial Done: ', trialNumber)

    print('done with experiment')

#Setup timer to swap texture at specified frame rate
def NextMovieFrame():
def Dark():
    yield viztask.waitTime(1) #wait for 1 second
vizact.ontimer(1.0/FRAME_RATE, NextMovieFrame)


Jeff 07-12-2021 06:05 AM

Use viztask.waitTime instead of vizact.ontimer to wait inside of a task function. It seems like you can place the sequential actions in a single task function:

blankTexture = viz.addBlankTexture(size=(100,100))

def executeExperiment():
    for trialNumber in range(3):
        # Show blank texture for one second
        yield viztask.waitTime(1)

        # Show movie texture for 1.5 seconds
        yield viztask.waitTime(1.5)

        print('Trial Done: ', trialNumber)
    print('done with experiment')

turinlife 07-27-2021 12:00 PM

Display random images from a folder
Thank you so much!
It is also possible to display the image from a folder randomly without rename all the images in the folder?
an alternative solution for this 3 lines

r = list(range(7))
movieImages = viz.cycle( [ viz.addTexture('sequence_IMG/img%d.jpg' % i) for i in r ] )


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