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miss 02-20-2018 04:56 PM

TexQuad Visibility
I have set up a screen with multiple textures in a single quad using a for loop. I have used the viz.addTexture command to add textures from a list I have specified before.

However, I want to remove the visibility of these textures on viztask.waitKeyDown. I am unable to do so. Can anyone please help me out with that?

Jeff 02-21-2018 08:18 PM

Here's an example that removes a texture from a texture quad:


import viz
import viztask

piazza = viz.addChild('piazza.osgb')
texture = viz.addTexture('lake3.jpg')
quad = viz.addTexQuad(pos=[0,1.8,3])

def textureTask():
        yield viztask.waitKeyDown(' ')
        yield viztask.waitKeyDown(' ')
        yield viztask.waitKeyDown(' ')
viztask.schedule( textureTask() )

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