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Vishav 09-27-2017 04:06 AM

Incomplete text is appearing on screen when using vizinfo.add command
1 Attachment(s)
Dear all,

I am new user of vizard and need to add a dialog box with radio buttons. For this i am using vizinfo.add(' ') command but my text is appearing incomplete on screen. I am using enterprise edition of vizard 5. I am attaching snapshot of text. If anyone know the reason please reply back. Thanks in advance.


Jeff 09-27-2017 06:47 PM

The vizinfo object you added has been superseded by the vizinfo panel. Try using the panel instead.

The issue you are seeing is likely driver related. If you have any issues displaying the panel you could try updating the drivers or testing on a different machine.

Vishav 09-28-2017 06:48 AM

Thanks, Jeff vizinfo Panel is working for me :)

Vishav 09-28-2017 07:01 AM

Thanks Jeff

Vishav 09-28-2017 07:08 AM

Jeff, could you please do one more favour...I want to shuffle my objects in vizard environment after some time duration. Which function would be helpful for me for this purpose?

Jeff 09-28-2017 08:42 PM

Take a look at Python's random module and the functions it provides. If you have additional questions about this, please start a new thread since it's a different topic.

Vishav 11-21-2017 10:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Dear all,

Why vizinfo object is not working properly? Earlier my colleagues wrote code with use of vizinfo; but for me it is showing incomplete text. And as suggested that i can use vizinfo infopanel at that place. Can we use same type of design given by vizinfo using infopanel. I am attaching jpeg file for reference.



Jeff 11-26-2017 10:24 PM

Do you want to change the colors of the info panel? This is possible by changing the theme of the panel. The example script in this thread shows how changing various theme properties affects a menu and info panel:

Vishav 12-13-2017 08:17 AM

Dear Jeff,

I am just confused that there might some other reason for incomplete text using vizinfo.add because my driver is updated and my colleagues machine also have same driver on which vizinfo is working fine. Other thing is when i increase scale of the text appear completely. Thanks in advance if you could help me out in this.

Jeff 12-15-2017 01:10 AM

Sorry, I don't have a solution here. I've seen the same issue reported before and it seems related to the combination of GPU/drivers. What is the graphics card you're using? Have you tested the same code on other machines? The only suggestion I have is to roll back and try out several different driver versions. Other than that, use vizinfo panel or a 3rd party GUI library (e.g. Tkinter) to create the GUI in Vizard.

Vishav 12-15-2017 02:00 AM

My computer has Graphics Card Intel(R) HD 4000 and other machines in my lab also have same graphics card.

Yes I tested my code on other machines and it is doing well.

Vishav 12-15-2017 02:46 AM

I am so happy. I changed my graphics driver to older version and now it is working fine. Thanks a lot!

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