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jelly 05-17-2016 07:21 AM

Vizard scheduler vs Python scheduler
I have some code that is scheduling beeps respective to the onset of the script, but it seems to run everything before Vizard can load and I think that is because Vizard may not understand the scheduler?

How can I use the viztask_schedule to achieve a comparable result, after Vizard loaded the environment?


import schedule
import time
from functools import partial
import viztask


## Cue sound ###
cue = viz.addAudio('cues\dong.wav')
cueDuration = cue.getDuration()

# my specified list of timings
times = [1.76493425, 3.10174059, 4.49576803, 10.99379224, 18.84178369]

# get the starting time
start = time.time()

# define a job, i.e. play beep sound and print smth
def job(t, start):
        print ('cue', ' - timing: ', t, ' - now: ', time.time()- start)
        # pop the job right away from, so it runs only once
        return schedule.CancelJob

def main():

        # for each time add what to do
        for t in times:
                # using partial so i can pass arguments to job
                schedule.every(t), t, start))
        # and run it inside a lop
        while True:
                # is just a list of jobs
                if not


Jeff 05-20-2016 02:25 AM

The viztask library is designed to control program flow. You can wait for time to elapse, an action, event, etc. before executing more code. If you have not done so yet, take a look at the viztask documentation in the reference section and the creating a task tutorial. Use the waittime command to wait for a set time.

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