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VizMars 05-11-2016 09:28 AM

Wait for specific cedrus key
My cedrus handler triggers an event viz.sendEvent(CEDRUS_BUTTON_DOWN, response['key']) every time a cedrus button is pressed.

How can I pause my Experiment until a specific cedrus key is pressed (e.g. button 6 is down)?

Jeff 05-13-2016 04:02 AM

You can use viztask and the waitEvent command to wait for the cedrus button event.

VizMars 05-14-2016 10:43 AM

But in this case every cedrus button resumes my experiment.
How can I wait for a specific button? (e.g. button 6)

Jeff 05-16-2016 12:48 AM

Are you using the vizxid module to get the Cedrus data, like the example posted here? If so, you can wait for a specific button press:


#Wait for button 3 on XID to be pressed
yield vizxid.waitButtonDown(3,d)

VizMars 05-17-2016 02:29 AM

I'm using pyxid. But I'll have a closer look at the implementation of waitButtonDown.

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