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rajnishv 04-27-2016 02:43 AM

reagrding closing the output window console of vizard
Hi jeff,
I have 4 Scripts with theie different vizconnects,
I m calling a script using a subprocess module -subprocess("",shell=True)

The 1st script executed on an event from wand executes a second script,but the 1st script is not closed,and so on.
I want when i start or executes a new script,which terminated the previous console output window.
The are four scripts..

launch 1st script...
call secnd script from 1st script-2nd oupt console opened ,the first output console should get closed and the same for 2nd,3rd and 4th .
I have tried:
sys.exit(),os.exit() and others :

for ex:
1st script:

import os
import vizinfo
import sys
import viz
import subprocess


piaz=viz.add('dojo.osgb')"", shell=True)

def changeExit(ce):
print 'change two exit'"", shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':later( )

def later( ):
import sys
print 'Bye sys world'
print 'Never reached'

#if __name__ == '__main__':"", shell=True)
#later( )
viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, changeExit)

#---------------------new 2nd script------------
2nd script:
import viz
import vizshape
import vizact
import os
import vizinfo
import sys

import subprocess



def changeExitTwo():
print 'Exitted the pyOne'
sys.exit('pyTwo Died')
#raise SystemExit

def changeTwo(word):
print 'I m in pyTwo to exit pYone and call pyThree'"", shell=True)
import pyOne as p

viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, changeTwo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Rajnish Vishwakarma'

Pls suggest me

rajnishv 04-27-2016 03:25 AM

Regarding sript swith and close the previous script
Hi jeff,
I have 4 Scripts with theie different vizconnects,
I m calling a script using a subprocess module -subprocess("",shell=True)

The 1st script executed on an event from wand executes a second script,but the 1st script is not closed,and so on.
I want when i start or executes a new script,which terminated the previous console output window.
The are four scripts..

launch 1st script...
call secnd script from 1st script-2nd oupt console opened ,the first output console should get closed and the same for 2nd,3rd and 4th .
I have tried:
sys.exit(),os.exit() and others :

I m testing on the keyboard event(same can be applied to wand event0
for ex:
1st script:

import os
import vizinfo
import sys
import viz
import subprocess


piaz=viz.add('dojo.osgb')"", shell=True)
def changeExitTwo(ce):
print 'change two exit'"", shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':later( )

def later( ):
import sys
print 'Bye sys world'
print 'Never reached'

#if __name__ == '__main__':"", shell=True)
#later( )
viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, changeExitTwo)

#------------------------2nd Script------------------------
2nd script

import viz
import vizshape
import vizact
import os
import vizinfo
import sys

import subprocess



def changeTwo(word):
print 'I m in pyTwo to exit pYone and call pyThree'"", shell=True)
##Rest of code to call third script here and exit the second one

viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, changeTwo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Rajnish Vishwakarma'

Pls ignore my last post.
Pls assit me for the following.

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