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mamort 06-02-2015 02:39 AM

Cluster Resource File Size
Hi All,

Just wondering if there is a limited to resource file sizes when running Vizard in a CAVE configuration.

Currently I am having a problem loading a 320mb FBX file in CAVE configuration as it appears to timeout before loading (it is in the resource folder on all computers within the cluster). I can load a 60mb FBX file fine on CAVE configuration.

The same 320mb FBX file loads fine on a single laptop so it appears to be an issue with the CAVE configuration.

Any suggestions?

Jeff 06-02-2015 12:53 PM

Try increasing the value for the connect timeout in the cluster master.

mamort 06-09-2015 04:58 AM

thanks this worked I also had to increase the sync and frame timeouts.

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