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SUJITH_KJ 02-18-2015 07:39 PM

getTransform() and getChild() doubts

I have a 3D model which i opened in the inspector to get the names of the transforms. After that I used the getTransform() option and tried to perform collision detection, but the problem i faced was that there is no collideBox() attribute when i use the getTransform() option.. Alternately i tried using the getChild() option and i saw that it has the collideBox() attribute but somehow the collision detection is not working properly. Any reason or any mistake in my work???


dojo = viz.add('gear.OSGB')
fav = dojo.getChild('Q26-W840E011')

vizact.onkeydown('f', fav.setPosition,[0,0,5],viz.REL_PARENT)

def new(g):
        if g.obj1 == rHandBox:
                print 'collided'       
        if g.obj2 == fav:

Jeff 02-23-2015 01:46 AM

If you want to apply a collision shape to a sub-part of the model, try using the node parameter with the sub-part name:


#Create a collideBox surrounding a child node
table = viz.add( 'table.osgb' )
table.collideBox( node = 'Top')

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