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johnallen 07-28-2014 08:00 AM

best way to illumincate a room?
I've created a room in 3ds Max and exported it to osgb.

When I view it from Vizard, I find that the walls all appear very dark, virtually black unless I'm viewing it straight on. Within +-30degrees its ok, after that it gets progressively darker.

It's particularly a problem for the ceiling which i have a a pale blue.

I'm guessing its a problem with illumination - I have none added, at present.

My question is,
- am I best to go back to 3ds max and to try to include some built-in illumination (how?), or
- should I do something like add an infinite direction light source in Vizard(I don't want to introduce any shadows, just to make the room brighter.)

Any advice on how best to approach this problem would be appreciated. I've searched around but cant see any advice on how to approach the problem.

(my room is 8.25(L) x 4.2(W) x 2.37(H) so the apparently black ceiling is very oppressive)

Many Thanks

roobert 07-28-2014 10:59 AM

I had the same problem and my answer were:

#Create skylight
sky_light = viz.addLight(euler=(0,90,0))

johnallen 07-29-2014 01:46 AM

Hi Roobert,

Thanks for your helpful reply.

I tried the settings you gave which illuminated the ceiling nicely.

I also wanted to illuminate the walls so I didn't disable the headlight which worked ok however even the default (maximum?) light 'spread' of 180 didn't illuminate the side walls very much so I also tried adding individual light sources to illuminate each wall (and disabled the headlight)

I was a bit confused at the beginning with the position/euler settings for these directional lights - this is what I ended up with:

euler=(0,0,0) for all lights
position = (1,0,0,); (-1,0,0,0); (0,0,1,0), (0,0,-1,0)

... for the 4 separate lights. (set color & ambient for each too, as desired)


johnallen 07-29-2014 02:43 AM

i used

sky_light.position(0,0,1,0) #ie +1, not -1

to illuminate the ceiling though I've just discovered that this works too (for the sky_light)

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