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Powell 02-18-2014 08:13 AM

Vizard with Tobii eye trackers

I am keen to integrate a Tobii 2x-60 eye tracker with Vizard. At the moment I don't need to do anything too clever (e.g. gaze contingency) just monitor fixation and see whether certain responses of the viewer are associated with particular eye movement patterns. Tobii provides a SDK for Python but on their website they say that this has not been tested with Vizard.

Is anyone know if it is possible to integrate a Tobii with Vizard and if so, how this might be done? I am fairly new to python programming although have worked more extensively with matlab + eyetracking.

I am running Windows 7 64bit if this is useful.

Many thanks in advance,


Jeff 02-28-2014 05:25 AM

Do you have an example python script that shows how to get the tracker data? If so, you could call the same python commands in a Vizard function that gets called every frame.

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