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pkhoosh 01-25-2006 09:45 AM

accessing system speaker noise

I was wondering what the API is for accessing the system speaker that comes with most PC's.

Many thanks,

pete khooshabeh

tobin 01-25-2006 10:02 AM

From within Vizard, I assume.

There's viz.playsound()

and the media object which allows you to add sounds via:

sound = viz.add('mysound.wav')

If you're not asking about WAV, MPG, AIF, etc, type sounds and install want to play tones from the speaker directly, I'd expect there already exists a Python module for doing this but the answer is Vizard doesn't have the equivalent to the WIN32 call Beep().

pkhoosh 01-25-2006 10:22 AM

winsound module
Thanks for the tip.

Here's the module

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