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javadi 11-13-2013 01:25 PM

Full Screen and Dialogue

I have just noticed that when I run Vizard in fullscreen mode the screen goes black whenever I display an input window (using viz.input) for user input. Is there any way to avoid it and keep the Vizard display on the screen while the input window is displayed? Very many thanks.


Frank Verberne 11-13-2013 03:21 PM

Seem like you have the reverse problem of the OP of this thread. It should not matter whether you're running your program fullscreen or not. Again, some sample code showing the problem would help in clarifying the problem.

javadi 11-13-2013 04:31 PM


Thanks again for your reply. Yes, I read that post before posting mine.

Apparently it does matter whether the dialogue window is popped-up over a full screen or a window. Here it goes a sample code,


import viz
import viztask

viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen', '1')


def MainProcedure():


        yield viztask.waitDraw()

        Age = viz.input('Age?')       


if __name__ == "__main__":

Two things might happen when the run reaches the viz.input line: (1) it either make the screen black, display the Input window and then back to normal display, or (2) it minimizes the fullscreen (and show desktop), display the Input window and then back to normal display.

I can somehow understand the reason behind it: it might not be trivial to have a fullscreen display and display a window over it, as it somehow violate the definition of fullscreen. But, we know that it sometimes happen.

For now, as a work-around I open the Vizard display in window mode, but to the size of the screen. It is a bit annoying as you see the border of the window, but the dialogue window doesn't affect the original display.


Frank Verberne 11-14-2013 01:58 PM

I don't exactly understand your problem (as you sample code is not complete). However, you can get rid of the border of a window using:


javadi 11-14-2013 02:59 PM

Hi Frank

Thanks for the hint.


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