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chepotenza2 01-18-2012 01:47 AM

Missing equipment for PPT-H

I have inherited a 6 camera-based PPT-H system from a colleague of mine, but I suspect some pieces are missing. I have:

- 6 cameras + 6 power transformers
- 6 cables connecting cameras to the sync box
- 6 ethernet cables

My questions are:
1)Do I need a switch or a router to connect all the 6 ethernet cables?
2)Does the sync box need to be connected to the PC? It looks like it does not. 3)Do I need any additional equipment to connect to the PC where the software is running,or is the PC automatically detecting the 6 cameras over the network?

Thanks a lot and sorry, but I am a real newbie.


Jeff 01-18-2012 01:27 PM

The PPT documentation lists all the system components. Please contact for further questions about this.

vizstan 01-18-2012 03:09 PM

Hi, Luca,

Could you please let me know the name of the institute and the person who bought the PPT system? I am trying to pull out the related information of the system. Could you please reply it to ?

Thank you,

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