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chris_user 04-12-2011 03:09 AM

OSG IVE export 3dmax with baked textures
hopefully anybody can help

I have a problem with a scene concernig the material export, each time I export the whole scene with baked materials applied max is crashing. If I apply a standard material to the geometry the export is working fine.
Is that a bug or some kind of limitation?

Veleno 04-12-2011 10:39 AM

Hi chris_user,

Usually this happens if Max runs out of RAM when exporting. You can check your ram usage in the task manager to see if this is the case.

To reduce the ram usage, you have a few options:
-Reduce your "download texture size" display preferences. This is found in Customize -> Preferences -> Viewports Tab -> Configure Driver -> Appearance Preferences
-Display models without a preview of their materials. Command Panel -> Display Tab -> Display Color Rollout -> Shaded: Object Color

After applying these settings, save the file, close max, and reload it in a new session.

If this fails, you can also try exporting the model in sections.

chris_user 04-12-2011 10:33 PM

thanks for your tips, I will give it a try.

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